Thema | Middle leaders Programme |
Studietijd | 4 times a two-day module |
Start | Schoolyear 2025 |
Beschikbaarheid |
The DIS Middle leaders Programme enhances your professional growth as a school leader in the Dutch work context. Work with your own school improvement cases, get insights and inspiration and meet colleagues from other international schools.
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We welcome you to the Middle Leaders Programme where passion meets purpose and potential. The course is co-designed with the DIS schools for current middle leaders and aspiring end-responsible school leaders in international schools (both primary and secondary). Through engaging workshops, expert-led sessions, and collaborative projects, you'll gain the skills and confidence needed. We focus on real-life cases from your own school improvement projects and the school leader role in this.
1. Educational Leadership (28-29 january '25)
Strategies for schools as inclusive learning communities
How to cultivate shared educational values and goals for your school as an important way leaders inspire positive outcomes in their schools. And do this not only by well-written school vision statements but also by establishing an inclusive learning community in the school adapted to different school environments. How will you ensure inclusivity within the broad spectrum of the experience and background of pupils and staff of your school?
2. Leading International schools in the Dutch context (25-26 march '25)
Navigating the Dutch governance, schoolsystem and leadership styles
As all leadership is socially situated what is then considered effective school leadership in the Dutch work context? With its (governance) structure of Dutch educational boards, the labour law, financing systems and other typical characteristics and boundaries of the professional role of the school leader overhere. How do effective leadership styles emerge in school conducive to community well-being? As a personal trait or skill of a ‘person in role’ or as a shared ‘group function’?
3. Transformational leadership (2-3 september '25)
Leading change and innovation in the school
It is important to recognise relevant trends, sketch scenarios and understand if and why your organisation needs change. How to determine the need for change and measure its impact. Are you aware of your individual and schools ‘Theory of Change’. This is how and why organizational change works for us! What are the ‘wicked problems’ in your schools that seem to be ‘immune’ to change and what are then alternative approaches if you still seek improvement. What is a leader’s role in the change process and does your school leadership style fit?
4. Collaborative leadership (4-5 november '25)
Leading across organizational boundaries
Who are the ‘outside stakeholders’ in DIS and which collective capacity building may support learning and well-being of the children from your own school? Is there already a productive way of working together with health care or youth care institutions, parents, other schools or community organizations? How do you develop collaboration across organizational boundaries and what is the schoolleaders role and contribution to the bridging and brokering with others around the school? How do you work effectively in an ‘under-organized’ regional network setting?
€ 1.295,00 per module for course fees
Accommodation and arrangement costs, to be determined based on the location to be agreed upon
(the module starts with a minimum of 12 participants)
The above-mentioned prices are exempt from VAT due to CRKBO registration
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